Create a Next of Kin (NOK) team

When your organization has added the Next of kin module in RAYVN, you must start by creating a Next of kin team. 

Go to your Account settings, Teams, and click "Create new team". Define the name, and then it is important to select the function as "Next of kin team". 

After you have created the Next of Kin team, you can add members to the team.

Members of the NOK team are the only ones with access to the Next of Kin Center. They will not have access to the full log. They will only see the log entries that have been labeled as "Released information", as well as all listings of phone calls and contact with the Affected persons that the NOK teams add.


You can set up different NOK teams in different rooms. This means that you can have multiple NOK teams, that handle different groups of Next of Kin. For example, if there's a fire in a hotel, one NOK team can have the responsibility to handle the Next of Kin to the employees, and another team, families, and contacts of the residents. 

Assign NOK teams to an active log

Users that have enabled the NOK module, will get a Next of Kin tab next to the Map, Tasks, and Incidents tab in the active log view. When you click on the NOK tab, you will see "Next of Kin center not operational". That is because no NOK teams have been assigned yet. If you have created one or more NOK teams (as described above), you can click on "Add Next of Kin team". 

You will then get a list of your existing NOK teams. 

To add the team, click on the "+"-sign and then "Ok".
The team will be notified and added the same way as 

When the NOK team respond to the invitation and log into RAYVN, they will only get access to the NOK Center, and only see the "Released information" from the main RAYVN log.