To edit log templates, click on the "settings icon" in the upper right corner and select the “Account settings” menu item.

Select "Log templates".

Click on "New log template" if you want to create a new log template.

Add a name and description and set the template type.

Add teams to the template by clicking on "Add team". 

Add tasks by typing in the "Task" and click on "+ Add task", or click enter to create the task. You can also set deadlines for each task.

When you are done, click “Save”. This will add the template to the list of log templates, and you will be able to start a log based on the template when you need to start a log. 

All the information from the template, with the teams and tasks, will automatically be added to the new log.  When creating a new log based on one of the templates, you will be able to make changes to the predefined list of teams and tasks before you actually start the log.

Edit a log template

In the log settings you are able to (the list matches the highlighted numbers in the image below):

  1. Set whether the template should be published/unpublished, in the web app and mobile app.
  2. Define the template name and description, as well as the template type.
  3. Predefine which teams will be notified when a log based on this template is initiated. You can also set if or how your selected teams should receive notifications.
  4. Create tasks that need to be done for this specific log template/situation. You can also set deadlines for each task. 

If the template is not available in the list, you need to make sure the template is Published and available in the web app and mobile app

Log template Unpublished

Log template Published 

Add files to log template

If you want to share relevant files for this specific scenario, you can add them to the "Files" section. Click and drag the in the Drop zone (1), and the file will be automatically uploaded and added to the log template.

You can remove a file by clicking on the X (2) next to the file. If you want to preview the file, click on its filename (3), and you can also add a note to the file (4). You can't change filenames after the file has been uploaded, so you should give a filename that clearly describes the content of the file before you upload it.

The files will be available for everyone that has access to the logs, based on this specific log template.

Lastly, you also have the option to add a meeting template to the log template. When a log is started from a log template, a status meeting with your template of choice will be created automatically. This way you can be certain that your team uses the correct meeting template in a specific scenario. 

You can also assign which room each file should be available for, if you are using rooms in your accounts.