RAYVN can be set up according to your specific organization. Most of this is done in the Account settings. Click on your gear icon in the top right corner of the screen and click on Account settings.
You will then see multiple tabs that are divided into these sections. You can click on the headers, as shown below, to access detailed information on how to set up each section.
Users are fully licensed to use RAYVN. Add users to teams to enable notifications, and add roles to grant admin permissions.
Responder is a user type without access to RAYVN. Add them to teams to enable notifications. Responders can reply to SMS notifications when in an active team.
Contacts are persons you want to alert in the case of a critical event. Add them to contact lists to enable one-way email and SMS notification. Contacts can not be added to teams.
Users and Responders can be added to teams. When a log is created, you can add teams to the log, and they will receive notifications and be able to respond.
Contact lists
Use contact lists to alert people in the case of a critical event. Add contacts, users, and responders to your contact lists to enable one-way email and SMS notifications.
This is where you will find a list over all your organizations registered stakeholders. Stakeholders are parties you want to notify or collaborate with during critical events.
This could include:
- Emergency services
- Government agencies
- Business partners
- Insurance companies
- Subsidiaries
- Neighbors
Log templates
Predefine different scenarios by creating a log template. Add teams, tasks, text, and files to a log template, according to our contingency or emergency action plans
Report templates
Predefine templates that can be used when writing a report from your active log. Add sections and predefined text that will be included in your report.
Meeting templates
You can create multiple meetings templates and assign them to log templates and specific rooms.
Message templates
Create predefined message templates that can be used when sending messages from the paper airplane in your active log.
Add resources to your organization to create an overview of what is available when a critical event arises. Categorize them by using tags, and connect them to sites to know where the resources can be found. You can mobilize the resources from your active log.
A site can be a physical location that you might want to connect critical events/logs to. For example, the location of the HQ and the different manufacturing plants that your organization has across the world.
Use the search function in the Account settings to locate all the information you need.
When you enter the account settings, you'll see a search field on the right side of your screen.
The search bar will look through all your folders for the search criteria you may enter in all groups and subgroups.
To search for something, click the search bar, and enter what you seek. The search result will show all sections containing the search criteria you are looking for. It will show the number of matches in each area, in each group in your organization.
The results are displayed with hyperlinks, which enable you to click on the result you want and be taken directly to that specific place.
You'll see a button on the right side of each group name. Click it to go directly to that group.
You can also expand or collapse each folder by clicking the small arrow below the refresh button to view more or less.
The eye-icon shows what group you are currently in.